Career change for Yaxley care coordinator Claire


Claire Nelson may be a familiar face to our patients as she was formerly a receptionist before moving into her new role as a care coordinator.

She has previously worked in primary education, as a health visitor and carer for the elderly, and now her special interest is helping patients with dementia.

She said: 'We work with care homes and their patients but the main part of my job is dealing with patients that are housebound, struggling with isolation, loneliness or who have mental health problems. Others are waiting for bereavement counselling and they are so grateful when I phone them up once a week to check in. We also refer to local befriending services and groups.

Claire Nelson

'We also have got some amazing dementia groups and a very good dementia resource centre in Peterborough plus lots of support now for dementia patients to remain in their own homes.  

She did a great deal of training for her role, shadowing colleagues, including the health and wellbeing coach and social prescribers.  She said 'I work as part of a really great team, they are very supportive. I don't think this is a role that you will ever stop training for but I love the job …  you feel like you are really making a difference.' 

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