Double Cause For Celebration For Trudie 


Trudie Coleman has had a memorable year of achievement, overcoming breast cancer while studying for her dispenser qualification. 

She has been open about the challenges faced since being diagnosed and wanted to keep busy by studying while recuperating from treatment and surgery. Her determination paid off and she has now returned to work full-time after gaining her dispenser qualification a few months ago. 

Trudie has been buoyed by the encouragement of family, patients and colleagues and she is happy to be back with the team at Oundle surgery. 

She said: 'I joined in 2019 as a dispensary assistant, learning the ropes and handing out prescriptions, but I wanted to learn more. I started the online course but, unfortunately, was really ill with breast cancer. I was having treatment throughout last year and did most of my course while I was at home. I was determined and studying helped, although the chemo made me feel foggy at times. The team here was very supportive with flowers and cards and they said how positive I was, but you have to be.

photo of Trudie Coleman

'The cancer was part of my journey and I am really pleased to be back. The team here is fabulous, we are all capable of different things so we can swap around and help especially if it is busy at the dispensary window. It is nice to be patient facing and to see their faces again! I still get tired from time to time but I am really enjoying dispensing as it makes me more rounded in my career.'

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