Baiba Jirgensone, who has recently joined New Queen Street Surgery has ambitions to eventually become a Practice Manager. She is currently studying a Healthcare Management degree course alongside her full-time role in Management Support.
She has been involved in Primary Care for over three years, formerly as a Healthcare Assistant, then Care Coordinator in a local GP practice before moving to Lakeside where her role will support her degree studies, and vice versa.
Baiba works closely with Practice Manager Dianne Gross and Management Support Emily Roberts, who are in adjoining offices and offer advice and support.
Baiba, who joined NQS in March, said: 'Although I am still obviously learning I am really enjoying it here. I do a lot of different tasks, whatever needs to be done so you have to be flexible and adaptable. The team here has been really supportive, friendly and welcoming and Emily especially has a lot of knowledge about the role which she is happy to share. It is exactly what I expected and I want to finish my degree and see what my future in healthcare management brings!'