Yaxley Pharmacy team achieve milestone result


Well done to the pharmacy team at Yaxley who achieved their best ranking on their drug monitoring software.

The pharmacists use Eclipse – a program that identifies patients who need urgent monitoring or action. This enables them to plan their workflow effectively and make sure those patients who need urgent medication reviews or input are monitored.    

Yaxley Pharmacy team achieve milestone result

Each week the Eclipse platform is updated with rankings showing the practice's position among the 76 surgeries in the Clinical Commissioning Group.  Yaxley was placed ninth, their highest ranking achieved.

Pharmacy Technician Barbara Zub said: 'There is always some fluctuation as the system updates ever week, however, this was the first time we were placed in the top ten, so we were delighted.'

Practice Manager Aija Selby said: 'This was excellent news and it demonstrates the dedication and hard work of our Pharmacy Team.'   


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